Terms & Conditions
My  Deal
Last updated on [25-01-2022]
This document is an electronic record in terms of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and rules there under pertaining to electronic records as applicable and amended. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures.

This document is published in accordance with the provisions of Rule 3 (1) of the Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules, 2011 that require publishing the rules and regulations, privacy policy and the terms and conditions for access or usage of www.dialurban.com website
Please read carefully our Terms & Conditions mentioned below before using our portal services / information or any part of this portal.

The Terms & Condition herein are termed as an “Agreement” between TCPL and the user / visitor / member / subscriber. The major purpose and objective of Dialurban is to serve as a preliminary medium of contact for exchange of information for its users / members / visitors who have a bonafide intention to contact and/or be contacted for the purposes related to genuine deal and for other related services / information.
This website www.dialurban.com, including any sub-domains, and any other websites through which its services are made available like our mobile, tablet and other smart device applications, and application program interfaces etc, (hereinafter collectively referred to as "dialurban or Dialurban") is owned, hosted, operated and managed by Triptales Commercials Pvt. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as TCPL), a company incorporated in India under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at Panaji, Goa. These terms and conditions, privacy policy and guidelines regulating the use of these Services constitute a legally binding agreement between dialurban and the User (the “Agreement”).
Dialurban and/or any other website(s) linked to this website is an online information and communications service platform provided to you, subject to your compliance with the terms and conditions set forth below.
By accessing or using “dialurban”, you agree to be bound by the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions set forth in the website. By using this platform you indicate your understanding and acceptance of these terms.
If you do not agree with any of these terms and conditions, you should not access or use ‘dialurban”. In the event of non-compliance with this terms & condition, dialurban has the right to limit or terminate your access or usage rights to the platform immediately or remove non-compliant information or both as the case may be, in accordance with the information technology (intermediary guidelines and digital media ethics code) rules, 2021. If you have any questions about these terms, please contact: info@dialurban.com
TCPL may amend/modify any of these points in the privacy policy and terms & conditions at any time, and such modifications shall be effective immediately upon posting of the modified privacy policy and terms & conditions on dialurban. You should review the amendments related to privacy policy and terms & conditions periodically to be aware of such modifications and your continued access or use of dialurban, shall be deemed as a conclusive proof of your acceptance of these modified privacy policy and terms & conditions, as amended / modified from time to time. TCPL shall suspend the operation of dialurban for support or technical up gradation, maintenance work, in order to update the content or for any other reason. If you use dialurban in a manner inconsistent with these privacy policy and terms & conditions, then TCPL may terminate your access, block your future access.

  1. References for this document:
Triptales Commercials Pvt Ltd is a registered company under Indian Company Act. (“Company”) referred as “TCPL”
The company provides a collection of online resources / services / information including postings, advertisements, listings, etc (“Services”)

These collections of services / information/ online resources are made available to users through the online website www.dialurban.com referred as “dialurban” or “Platform”
These services are provided to you subject to adherence to various guidelines called as (“Terms & Conditions” or “T&C”)
These online services are used by people termed as (“You’ or “Your”) which means any person who uses or accesses,  whether through manual or automated means, the Platform or the Service in any manner whatsoever including persons browsing the Platform and its content, posting comments or any content or responding to any advertisements or content on the Platform.
By using the Service, you agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions. Additionally, when using a portion of the Service, you agree to abide to any applicable posted guidelines for such portion of Service, which may change or be updated from time to time at Company’s sole discretion. You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for reviewing these Terms & Conditions from time to time. Should you object to any term & condition of these Terms, any guideline, or any subsequent changes thereto or become unhappy with Dialurban or the Service in any ways, then you must immediately discontinue the use of company’s platform / services at Dialurban. These Terms may be updated by the Company at any time at its sole discretion. The Company may send you notice of changes to the Platform or website. You understand and agree that the English version governs the terms of your relationship with Dialurban.
  1. Scope & Control over the Services / Platform / Content:
  1. Details of services & contents, Payment terms and Third Party website clause
  1. Dialurban is a sophisticated and convenient way for online classifieds & postings, and act as a venue to allow our users who comply with these Terms & Conditions to offer, sell, and buy products and services listed on this Platform.
  2. Although you may be able to conduct payment and other transactions through this Platform, using third-party payment gateways, but Dialurban is not in any way involved in such transactions. As a result, and as discussed in more detail in these T&C, you hereby acknowledge and agree that Dialurban is not a party to such transactions, has no control over any element of such transactions, and shall have no liability to any party in connection with such transactions. You agree to use the Service and the Platform at your own risk.
  3. You understand that Dialurban does not control, and is not responsible for ads, directory information, business listings/information, messages between users, including but not limited to e-mails sent from outside Dialurban’s domain or other means of digital more of communication, whether through the Platform or another Third Party Website or offerings, comments, user postings, files, images, photos, video, sounds, business listings/information and directory information or any other material made available through the Platform and the Service , and that by using the Platform and the Service, you may be exposed to Content that is offensive, indecent, inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise objectionable.
  4. You acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for and must evaluate, and bear all risks associated with, the use of any Content, that you may not rely on said Content, and that under no circumstances will Dialurban be liable in any way for the Content or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the browsing, using or reading any Content listed, emailed or otherwise made available via the Service or Platform.
  5. You acknowledge and agree that Dialurban cannot and does not pre-screen or approve any Content, but that Dialurban has the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to refuse, delete or move any Content that is or may be available through the Service, for violating these T&C and such violation being brought to Dialurban’s knowledge or for any other reason or no reason at all.
  6. The Content available through this Platform may contain links to other third-party websites, which are completely unrelated to Dialurban. If you visit such link of Third Party Websites, then you must be following and adhering to those Third Party Websites’ terms and conditions and other privacy policies.
  7. Dialurban makes no representation or guarantee as to the accuracy or authenticity of the information contained in any such Third Party Website, and your linking to any other websites is completely at your own risk and Dialurban doesn’t claim any liability thereto.
  1. You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for your own Content posted on, transmitted through, or linked from the Service and the consequences of posting, transmitting, linking, or publishing it. Specifically, you are solely responsible for all Content that you upload, email, or otherwise make available via the Service / Platform. In connection with such Content posted on, transmitted through, or linked from the Service by you, you affirm, acknowledge, represent, warrant and covenant that:
  1. You own or have and shall continue to, for such time the Content is available on the Platform, have the necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to use such Content on the Service and Platform (including without limitation all patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights in and to any and all such Content) and authorize Dialurban to use such Content to enable inclusion and use of the Content in the manner contemplated by the Service, the Platform and these T&C; and
  2. You have the written consent, release, and/or permission of each and every identifiable individual person or business in the Content to use the name or likeness of each and every such identifiable individual person or business to enable inclusion and use of the Content in the manner contemplated by the Service, the Platform and these T&C.
  3. For clarity, you retain all of your ownership rights in your Content; however, by submitting any Content on the Platform, you hereby grant to Dialurban an irrevocable, non-cancellable, perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sub-licensable, transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, and perform the Content in connection with the Platform and Dialurban's (and its successor's) business, including but not limiting to the purpose of promoting and redistributing part or all of the Platform and Content therein in any media formats and through any media channels now or hereafter known.
  4. These rights are required by Dialurban in order to host and display your Content. Furthermore, by you posting Content to any public area of the Service, you agree to and do hereby grant to Dialurban all rights necessary to prohibit or allow any subsequent aggregation, display, copying, duplication, reproduction, or exploitation of the Content on the Service or Platform by any party for any purpose.
  1. Rights by User for posting or deleting any content in the Platform - Dialurban makes no warranty on the veracity or the accuracy of the generated Description of your advertisement (Advt). The Description may be edited by you at any time while your advt is live. You also hereby grant each user of the Platform (a) a non-exclusive license to access your Content through the Platform, and (b) the right to contact you with regard to the Content posted by you through private chat or any other means. The foregoing license to each user granted by you terminates once you or Dialurban remove or delete such Content from the Platform. Further, you grant Dialurban the right to make available your Content to any third party in connection with the transaction contemplated in your classified advertisement.
  2. Dialurban does not endorse any Content or any opinion, statement, recommendation, or advice expressed therein, and Dialurban expressly disclaims any and all liability in connection with User Content. Dialurban does not permit copyright infringing activities and infringement of intellectual property rights on the Platform, and Dialurban may, at its sole discretion, remove any infringing Content if properly notified in accordance with applicable law that such Content infringes on another's intellectual property rights. Dialurban reserves the right to remove any Content without prior notice. Dialurban may also terminate a user's access to the Platform if they are determined to be a repeat infringer or found to be indulging in any act contrary to these Terms & Conditions. A repeat infringer is a user who has been notified of infringing activity more than twice and/or has had a user submission removed from the Platform more than twice. Further, at its sole discretion, Dialurban reserves the right to decide whether any Content is appropriate and complies with these T&C.
  1. Objectionable or Prohibited Actions
  1. You agree not to post, email, host, display, upload, modify, publish, transmit, store, update or share any information on the Site, or otherwise make available Content: 
  1. That violates any law or regulation;
  2. That is harmful, abusive, unlawful, threatening, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, paedophilic, invasive of another's privacy or other rights, including bodily privacy, insulting or harassing on the basis of gender, hateful, or racially, ethnically objectionable, disparaging, relating or encouraging money laundering or gambling or harms or could harm minors in any way or otherwise unlawful in any manner whatsoever or otherwise inconsistent with or contrary to the laws in force;
  3. That infringes any of the foregoing intellectual property rights of any party, or is Content that you do not have a right to make available under any law, regulation, contractual or fiduciary relationship(s);
  4. That violates any (national or local) equal employment laws, including but not limited to those prohibiting the stating, in any advertisement for employment, a preference or requirement based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability of the applicant.
  5. That is copyrighted or patented, protected by trade secret or trademark, or otherwise subject to third party proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights unless you are the owner of such rights or have permission or a license from their rightful owner to post the material and to grant Dialurban all of the license rights granted herein;
  6. That harasses degrades intimidates, or is hateful towards any individual or group of individuals based on religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or disability;
  7. That threatens the unity, integrity, defence, security or sovereignty of India, friendly relations with foreign states, or public order or causes incitement to the commission of any cognizable offense or prevents investigation of any offense or is insulting any other nation;
  8. Deceives or misleads the addressee about the origin of such messages or communicates any information which is grossly offensive or menacing in nature;
  9. That includes personal or identifying information about another person without that person's explicit consent;
  10. That impersonates any person or entity, including, but not limited to, an Dialurban employee, or falsely states or otherwise misrepresents an affiliation with a person or entity;
  11. That is patently false, and is written or published in any form, with the intent to mislead or harass a person, entity, or agency for financial gain or to cause any injury to any person That is false, deceptive, misleading, deceitful or mis-informative;
  12. That constitutes or contains "pyramid schemes," "affiliate marketing," "link referral code," "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," or unsolicited advertisements of a commercial nature;
  13. That constitutes or contains any form of advertising or solicitation if (A) posted in areas or categories of the Platform which are not designated for such purposes; or (B) e-mailed to Dialurban users who have requested not to be contacted about other services, products, or commercial interests;
  14. That includes links to commercial services or Third-Party Websites, except as specifically allowed by Dialurban;
  15. That advertises any illegal services or the sale of any items the sale of which is prohibited or restricted by applicable law;
  16. That contains software viruses, or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment or any other computer resource;
  17. That is harmful to child;
  18. That disrupts the normal flow of dialogue with an excessive number of messages to the Service, or that otherwise negatively affects other users' ability to use the Service; or
  19. That belongs to another person and to which you do not have any right;
  20. That employs misleading email addresses, or forged headers, or otherwise manipulated identifiers in order to disguise the origin of Content transmitted through the Service.
  21. That deceives or misleads the addressee about the origin of the message or knowingly and intentionally communicates any information which is patently false or misleading in nature but may reasonably be perceived as a fact;
  1. You also agree not to do the involve in the following:
  1. Collect personal data about other users or entities for commercial or unlawful purposes;
  2. Contact anyone who has asked not to be contacted, or makes unsolicited contact with anyone for any commercial purpose, specifically, contact any user to post an advertisement on a third-party website or post any advertisement on behalf of such user; or to harass anyone;
  3. Use automated means, including spiders, robots, crawlers, data mining tools, or the like to download or scrape data from the Service, except for internet search engines (e.g., Google) and non-commercial public archives (e.g., archive.org) that comply with our robots.txt file;
  4. Attempt to gain unauthorized access to computer systems owned or controlled by Dialurban or engages in any activity that disrupts, diminishes the quality of, interferes with the performance of, or impairs the functionality of, the Service or the Platform.
  5. Make any libellous or defamatory comments or postings to or against anyone;
  6. Post Content that is outside the local area or not relevant to the local area, repeatedly post the same or similar Content, or otherwise impose unreasonable or disproportionately large loads on our servers and other infrastructure;
  7. Post the same item or service in multiple classified categories or forums, or in multiple metropolitan areas;
  8. Use any automated device or software that enables the submission of automatic postings on Dialurban without human intervention or authorship (an "automated posting device"), including without limitation, the use of any such automated posting device in connection with bulk postings, or for automatic submission of postings at certain times or intervals; or
  9. Any Content uploaded by you shall be subject to relevant laws and may disabled, or and may be subject to investigation under appropriate laws. Furthermore, if you are found to be in non-compliance with the laws and regulations, these T&C, or the privacy policy of the Website, then we may terminate your account/block your access to the Website and we reserve the right to remove any non-compliant Content uploaded by you.
  1. Profile Registration Process of users:
  1. Type of Information Collected -
When you visit the Platform, we may collect certain non-personal information such as your Internet Protocol ("IP") address, operating system, browser type, and Internet service provider. This type of information does not identify you personally. When you register with the Platform, we may also collect personal information that you provide such as your name, mailing address, email address, phone/mobile number, country, pin code, and certain other information in the event you log in via Facebook depending on your privacy settings including but not limited to your name, email address, profile picture, list of friends, education, etc. ("Registration Information"). You have the option of also providing to us your fax numbers, gender, age, and/or company name if you choose to register with Dialurban.
If you provide your phone number, it may be displayed in your posting. Further, if you have provided your phone number and posted an advertisement using your account, you agree to receive communications on the provided phone number from our site which may include but not be limited to automated calls or text messages. The communication may require you to confirm and verify that your account has been used to post the relevant advertisement on the Platform. We may also collect additional information that our users provide, such as new or deleted postings, new or deleted comments, keyword searches, scam reports, and new contact sellers. We use a third-party payment gateway for purchases, and other third-party companies to monitor site traffic, which may, in some instances, store your information. By using this Platform or the Service, you consent to the collection, storage, and use of the personal information you provide for any of the services that we offer, and you consent to our collection of any changes or updates that you may provide to any information you provide that is collected by Dialurban.
By using this Platform, you consent to share your location data in order to publish information/advertisements of advertisements offered by users close to your location and vice-versa.
  1. Age criteria for Platform usages:
This Platform is intended only for adults and that you are eligible to contract as per applicable laws. If you are using/accessing this Platform as a representative of any person/entity, you acknowledge that you are legally authorized to represent that person/entity. Minors, i.e. users under 18 years of age, are only allowed to access the Platform and use the Service, in the event of approval of their legal representatives/ guardian or in the event that it concerns an act or a transaction that is a usual and acceptable standard in civil life and practice. You affirm that you are either at least 18 years of age, or an emancipated minor, or possess legal parental or guardian consent and are fully able and competent to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations, and warranties set forth in these Terms & Conditions, and to abide by and comply with these Terms. In any case, you affirm that you are over the age of 13, as the Platform is not intended for children under age of 13 years.
Caution to children under the age of 13 and their parents or guardians – If you are under the age of 13, you must not use this platform. If you want to contact us, you may only do so through your parent or legal guardian.

  1. Protecting Your Personal Information
You are a valued user and customer, and we realise that protecting your privacy is important to you. For this reason, we are committed to protecting the personal information you provide to us in a variety of ways.
We do not directly process any payments and do not store your credit card information. Secured technology is used for processing payment transactions with third-party service provider partners.
Your Registration Information may be protected by a unique user ID and password. You should not disclose your password information to anyone and you should always remember to log off if using a shared computer. We have taken certain security protections in safeguarding your personal information. However, as with most electronic transactions, no method is 100% safe. While we strive to use a commercially acceptable means to protect the personal information you provide, we cannot guarantee its security. Therefore, you acknowledge and agree that we assume no liability regarding the theft, loss, alteration or misuse of personal or other information or Content, including, without limitation, such information that has been provided to third parties or other users, or with regards to the failure of a third party to abide by the agreement between us and such third party. For postings to the Forum, your username will be posted. For postings using the Comments feature, your name and email will only be posted if you provide it in the comment. We strongly discourage posting any information on these features or in any Content posted by you that you do not want others to see. You agree that you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your username and password, and all uses of your account, whether or not you have authorized such use.
  1. Accessing and Modifying Personal Information and Communication
You may access, remove, review, and/or make changes to the personal information that you have provided to us registration process and in the process of using our website. You need not register in order to post or respond to advertisements on the Platform. If you register or respond to advertisements or posts on the Platform or post any content on the Platform, we may send you certain notifications, advertisements, promotions, surveys, text messages, specials, and phone calls in relation to the Services. We may also send you any legally required notifications and certain notifications, including but not limited to, service-related notices or notices regarding a change to any of our policies. For example, we may send you a notice regarding a technical problems or scheduled maintenance of the Platform. In order to opt-out of receiving these notices, you may need to deactivate your account. You can opt-out of certain e-mail communications from us, including our newsletters, advice on buying and selling on the Platform, notifications that a user has commented on your posting, and notifications that you can refresh your posting. We will not change your preferences without your consent. You cannot opt-out of receiving transactional communications from Dialurban related to your account.
  1. Paid Services & Packages
We may charge a fee to post content in or utilize some areas of the Service (“Paid Services”). Dialurban or TCPL Represents as “Dialurban” or “we” or “us”) to sell such Paid Services to its users. By posting Paid Services on the Website you enter into an agreement with Dialurban, the terms of which are set out herein in the platform / website. Provisions of the Terms & Conditions relating to the Content shall also be applicable to Paid Services. Further, you continue to be bound by the T&C in connection with your use of the Website and the Services. Currently, we offer the following kinds of features for Paid Services. Only some of these features may be made available to you by us, depending on your usage, category, geographical location, and mode of purchase. The T&C of Paid Services and the relationship between you and Dialurban shall be governed by the laws of India.
Any claim you may have against Dialurban must be brought to the notice of the company for a solution, else can be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Panaji, Goa, India.
We reserve the right to modify the price at which these features are made available to you:
  1. Featured Advertisements
Featured Advertisements is a feature that enables the display of your advertisement in a designated area of the Website and/or in a highlighted manner, so as to distinguish it from other content posted on the Website. In the designated area of the Website pertaining to Featured Advertisements, Features Advertisements are listed in a sequential manner. Therefore, it is possible that a particular Featured Advertisement is not visible to you each time you browse through the Website.
This feature has been provided to enable users to draw attention to their live advertisements and increase the likelihood of receiving responses from potential buyers. We do not guarantee an increase of a specified quantum in the responses received by you and any representation on the Website in this regard is merely indicative.

  1. Paid Advertisements
The paid Advertisement is a feature, which enables you to post ads even after you have exhausted your free limits in a category. Free limit defines the number of advertisements that you can post for free in each category within a defined periodicity and this limit may differ across categories, usage, and geographical location.
All advertisements posted by you through your account will be counted towards free limits. Any subsequent change of phone number after posting an ad, will not affect the available limits.
You can either purchase a single Paid Advertisement or can avail of bulk packages (“Paid Advertisements package”) based on your requirement which shall be provided to you as mentioned on the Website from time to time.